TOP > Food&Drink> Strawberries are the best right now♡ Parfaits made with seasonal fruits are delicious! Japanese cafe in Nakasu area (Shimokawabata-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City)
A cup of tea and sweets

Strawberries are the best right now♡ Parfaits using seasonal fruits are delicious! Japanese cafe in Nakasu area (Shimokawabata-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City)

Hello! I'm ayu.latte, a writer who loves delicious sweets.

This time, we will introduce you to a cafe where you can enjoy delicious sweets and Japanese tea together.

Eat-in and take-out are both available! Japanese cafe "Sakanmi Ippuku" opens in 2023 (Shimokawabata-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City)

Sakanmi Ippuku opened in Shimokawabata-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City in April 2023.

Tea Sweets Ippuku Appearance

Image: ayu.latte

The sign outside says "tea shop." This is a Japanese cafe that serves carefully selected Japanese black tea and seasonal parfaits!

We focus on take-out, as we want you to enjoy strolling around town with a drink in hand, but eat-in options are also available.

Tea Sweets Ippuku Signboard

Image: ayu.latte

There are table seats and bench seats inside the restaurant.

Inside Tea Sweets Ippuku

Image: ayu.latte

At the bench table, tea leaves were displayed under the glass top.

Tea and sweets Ippuku Table with glass top

Image: ayu.latte

Strawberries are the season now! A delicious parfait made with seasonal fruits

The delicious parfaits, made with seasonal fruits, are all-plant (100% plant-based) and dairy-free, as the owner noticed that "Japanese sweets rarely use dairy products." *Some products may contain dairy products.

By the way, when sweets are made using dairy products, the taste of black tea or green tea tends to be overpowered, but by using all-plant ingredients, the balance is nicely achieved. Both drinks and sweets are the main focus of this shop, so I felt that they were particular about their taste.

"We want even those who don't like dairy products to be able to enjoy the flavors of cream, cheese, and butter that they don't normally get to eat, using non-dairy ingredients," so you can enjoy parfaits that are carefully crafted each time.

Currently, two types of strawberry parfaits are available, consisting of "strawberry soy milk ice cream" and "soy milk whipped cream."

Tea Sweets Ippuku Strawberry Parfait

Image: ayu.latte

This is the "Strawberry Matcha Mousse with an Adult Flavor" (1,600 yen).

Tea Sweetness Ippuku Strawberry Matcha Mousse with an Adult Flavor

Image: ayu.latte

It consists of eight ingredients: pistachio, strawberry soy milk ice cream, Kumamoto strawberries (red and white), soy milk whipped cream, brown sugar chocolate brownie (with walnuts), granola, matcha mousse, and strawberry sauce. *Lactose is used in the granola part.

This "Strawberry Pistachio Mousse - Stylish Flavor" (1,600 yen) has almost the same composition as the "Strawberry Matcha Mousse - Adult Flavor," but this one has pistachio mousse instead of matcha mousse, and berry sauce instead of strawberry sauce.

Tea Sweetness Ippuku Strawberry Pistachio Mousse

Image: ayu.latte

The brown sugar chocolate brownie with walnuts in the middle is an original recipe made especially for this parfait.

The strawberries that decorate the top of the parfait were a particular focus of the dessert. By using not only red strawberries but also "Awayuki," a moist, sweet, and slightly sour white strawberry, the parfait has an exquisite flavor that asserts the "strawberry as the star" without clashing with the other ingredients.

Tea Sweets Ippuku Strawberry Parfait

Image: ayu.latte

Strawberry parfaits will be available for a while, but these two types will be available until late January 2024. I'm looking forward to the next one too.

A wide variety of Japanese tea options

The drinks on offer include four types of Japanese black tea, five types of green tea, and two types of matcha. They also have a dairy-free soy latte.

Tea Sweets Ippuku Interior

Image: ayu.latte

There were so many varieties that I had no idea what to choose, so I asked a staff member and first ordered the green tea "Kanaya Midori" ice cream (600 yen).

The counter seats face the customers, so you can take your time watching the tea being brewed.

Tea and sweetness Ippuku Green tea "Kanaya Midori"

Image: ayu.latte

What surprised me was that ice was added after the hot water was poured over the tea leaves! Apparently, adding ice to the tea quickly cools it before the bitterness and astringency begin to dissolve, which helps to reduce them.

Tea and sweetness Ippuku Green tea "Kanaya Midori"

Image: ayu.latte

Pour into a cup and it's done. It's slightly sweet and has a gentle taste, and is very delicious.

Tea and sweetness Ippuku Green tea "Kanaya Midori"

Image: ayu.latte

I also ordered a hot Japanese black tea "Minekaori" (500 yen). It has a sweet and mellow aroma and is not bitter, so it goes perfectly with the parfait.

Tea and sweets Ippuku Black tea "Minekaori"

Image: ayu.latte

"I think Japanese tea and all-plant tea are still seen as being in the minority, but I would like to explore more and share their appeal with you, along with the flavors of each season," says the owner. 

At "Cha-Amaimi Ippuku," you can enjoy parfaits made with seasonal fruits, such as dekopon and strawberries in the spring, mangoes and melons in the summer, and figs and grapes in the fall, along with Japanese tea.

Why not drop in and take a break? (Text by ayu.latte)

<Click on the store name for more details about the store ↓>
■ Tea and sweets (sakanmi)
Address: 9-15-1F Shimokawabata-cho, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours: 10:30-20:00 (until 18:00 on Sundays only)
Closed: Irregular
*This article is current as of the time of publication. *Prices in the text include tax.

【reference image】
※Text and images:ayu.latte

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