TOP > Food&Drink> Check this out if you're going for the first time! [Lopia] 5 staff recommended "prepared dishes & sweets"
Top 5 products recommended by Lopia staff

Check this out if you're going for the first time! [Lopia] 5 staff recommended "prepared dishes & sweets"

Hello, I'm Nagisa, a storage and organization advisor. I live with my husband (who is currently working away from home) and two boys (ages 8 and 10). We live in a 3LDK apartment, and on Instagram I share ideas and information on living simply with the things I love.

The supermarket "Shokusei♡♡ Lopia" opened in Kyushu for the first time in 2023. *Hereinafter referred to as "Lopia"

Currently, there are four stores in Fukuoka, and they have a wide selection of products, including great deals, delicious meat, original prepared foods, and sweets. In particular, the pizza, rice balls, chicken, fried chicken, and other prepared foods are very filling and great value for money, and are a hot topic on social media!

Top 5 products recommended by Lopia staff

Image: Nagisa

This time, we will introduce 5 "recommended side dishes and sweets" as recommended by the staff of "Lopia Fukuoka Shingu store". These are all best-selling items, so be sure to check them out, especially if you're going for the first time!

1: Buy freshly baked "Margherita Pizza"

When it comes to prepared foods at Lopia, the pizza comes to mind! The most popular pizza is the Margherita Pizza (430 yen). It's less than 500 yen!

Lopia "Margherita Pizza"

Image: Nagisa

They make everything from the dough in-house! And because they bake it in-store, you can buy it fresh.

The size is about 25cm in diameter. The dough is chewy and elastic, and it is topped with fresh tomato sauce, refreshing basil, and melted mozzarella cheese. It's very easy to eat, and kids will love it!

Lopia "Margherita Pizza"

Image: Nagisa

It's also a great dish to have on your party menu at birthday parties or any other gathering.

They also offer flavors like teriyaki chicken, so it would be fun to try and compare them.

2: Once you start eating, you can't stop! "Lopichiki"

"Ropichiki" (712 yen) is a popular item that is often posted about on social media.

The generous serving of chicken is seasoned with a spicy flavour, making it addictively delicious.

Lopia "Ropitchiki"

Image: Nagisa

The great thing about this chicken is that it's boneless, so it's easy for children to eat.

The price of 712 yen for 4 pieces is also surprising.

Lopia "Ropitchiki"

Image: Nagisa

This dish would be perfect as a main dish for dinner or as a party menu item.

3: A hearty 20-piece box! "Pork NIKU Shumai"

Lopia's shumai are a popular side dish that can sell as many as 2,000 on busy weekends.

The "Pork NIKU Shumai" are quite filling, and come in a pack of 20 for just 1,188 yen!

Lopia "Pork NIKU Shumai"

Image: Nagisa

Juicy taste that lets you really taste the meat.

Because it is already seasoned, it can be eaten as is without adding anything.

Lopia "Pork NIKU Shumai"

Image: Nagisa

This is one of my children's favorite side dishes, and it helps them eat more and more rice.

4: Add some color to your table! "Shrimp, broccoli and egg salad"

If you want another dish for your dinner table, we recommend the "Shrimp and Broccoli Egg Salad" (824 yen).

Lopia "Shrimp and Broccoli Egg Salad"

Image: Nagisa

A creamy salad packed with large shrimp and broccoli.

Lopia "Shrimp and Broccoli Egg Salad"

Image: Nagisa

The well-seasoned egg mixes well with the ingredients, making it a quick and easy dish to chomp down.

Lopia "Shrimp and Broccoli Egg Salad"

Image: Nagisa

It's colorful and nutritionally balanced, making it a reliable side dish that will be a lifesaver on your dinner table.

5. The most impressive length! "Long Apple Pie"

The most popular item in the sweets section of the deli counter is the "Long Apple Pie" (1,080 yen).

Lopia "Long Apple Pie"

Image: Nagisa

It is long, measuring approximately 24cm in length!

Lopia "Long Apple Pie"

Image: Nagisa

Inside are five halved apples preserved in syrup!

Lopia "Long Apple Pie"

Image: Nagisa

Between the dough and the apples is a layer of lightly sweet custard cream, which brings out the sweetness of the apples.

This apple pie is made with a crispy pie crust and plenty of moist and juicy apples. Even though it's such a luxurious dessert, it's great value for money at just 1,000 yen!

Of course it's great when you have guests over, but it's also great to enjoy as a snack with your family on the holidays.

Top 5 products recommended by Lopia staff

Image: Nagisa

In addition to prepared foods, the store also had many other eye-catching products and a carefully designed interior, making it the kind of supermarket that makes everyday shopping fun!

Please use the products recommended by our staff in this article as a reference and enjoy shopping at the popular supermarket, Lopia. (Text by Nagisa)

*This article is current as of the time of publication. *Prices and product lineup may vary depending on the store and availability. *Prices in the text include tax.
* Any secondary use of the content of this site (images, text, etc.) such as duplication, reproduction, conversion, modification, etc. without permission is strictly prohibited. If found to be in violation, legal action may be taken.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Nagisa
* Lopia Co., Ltd.

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