TOP > Food&Drink> A sure-fire classic! "Easy and delicious" super moist "boiled chicken" recipe & 2 dishes using the boiling water
Ayumi Nakaganji's recipe: Miso ramen using boiled chicken

A sure-fire classic! "Easy and delicious" super moist "boiled chicken" recipe and two dishes using the boiled chicken water

Hello. I am Ayumi Nakaganji, a chef.

It's that time of year when we start craving something cold and refreshing.

This time, we will introduce recipes for boiled chicken, which is great for noodles and salads, as well as recipes that use the boiling water.

Basic "boiled chicken thighs" for a moist finish

Boiled chicken

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (easy to make amount)
Chicken thigh...1 piece (350g)
Water: 550ml
Ginger (sliced)・・・4 pieces
Spring onion (green part)・・・10cm
Salt...1 teaspoon
Black pepper (whole)...10 pieces
Salt...1 teaspoon
Sugar...1/4 teaspoon

<How to make>

(1) Remove the tendons from the chicken thighs and cut off any excess fat. Hold both ends of the chicken thighs and stretch them out tightly (to prevent them from shrinking).

Stretching the chicken

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

(2) Put all the ingredients except the chicken thighs in a pot and heat. When it boils, add the chicken thighs. When it boils again, skim off the scum and reduce the heat to very low.

Remove dirt

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

(3) Simmer over low heat for about 7 minutes.

(4) Cover, turn off the heat, and let cool.

Once cooled, you can store it in a storage container in the refrigerator, or eat it fresh. Use it up within about 4 days.

1: Make use of the boiled water! "Summer chilled somen noodles with bukkake"

Dilute the noodle soup with the boiled water instead of water to enhance the flavor! Add some black pepper to taste.

This is a bukkake somen noodle dish that you can easily eat even on days when you don't have much of an appetite. It is also recommended when you are tired of regular somen noodles.

Summer chilled bukkake somen noodles

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2)
Somen noodles・・・3 bundles
Boiled chicken・・・1/2 piece
Your favorite condiments... appropriate amount
A. Boiled chicken broth (chilled)...200ml
A Noodle soup (2x concentrated)...4 tablespoons
A Garlic (grated)...a little
Sesame oil...2 teaspoons
Black pepper...appropriate amount

<How to make>

(1) Boil the somen noodles according to the package instructions, drain in a colander, rinse with cold water, and rinse thoroughly in ice water. Transfer to a serving bowl.

(2) Put A into a container and mix. Slice the boiled chicken into bite-sized pieces.

(3) Pour A over the somen noodles. Add the boiled chicken and seasonings, sprinkle generously with black pepper, and drizzle with sesame oil.

This time I used white onions and shiso leaves as condiments, but other recommended condiments include myoga ginger and radish sprouts.

2. "Spicy Sesame Miso Ramen" - Great for a solo lunch

This is also a miso-flavored ramen that uses the boiled water. It's easy to make even if you don't have miso ramen soup base!

This time I used Chinese noodles, but you can also use udon noodles. The rich soup will leave you wanting more.

Miso Ramen

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (1 serving)
Chinese noodles...1 serving
Boiled chicken・・・1/4 piece
White onion・・・10cm
Enoki mushrooms...1/3 bunch
Green onion (finely chopped) - appropriate amount
A Boiled chicken broth...300ml
A Miso・・・1.5 tbsp
A Doubanjiang・・・1 tsp
A White sesame seeds・・・1 tablespoon
A Soy sauce・・・1 teaspoon
A Garlic (grated)...a little
Salt and pepper...a little
Chili oil (optional) - appropriate amount

<How to make>

(1) Boil the Chinese noodles according to the package instructions, drain them in a colander and rinse them in cold water to remove any slime. Thinly slice the green onions diagonally, remove the stems of the enoki mushrooms and separate them. Slice the boiled chicken into bite-sized pieces.

(2) At the same time, add A to a small saucepan and heat it. When it is hot, add the white onions and enoki mushrooms.

(3) Once the enoki mushrooms have softened, add the Chinese noodles to the pot. Bring to a boil again, add the butter, and season with salt and pepper.

(4) Place (3) in a bowl, top with boiled chicken and green onions, and drizzle with chili oil.

You can add whatever vegetables you have in your fridge. Recommended toppings include corn, boiled eggs, boiled bean sprouts, and cabbage.

It's super convenient to make it when you have time. This is the perfect recipe for this summer! It's very moist, so please give it a try. (Text by Ayumi Nakaganji)
*This article contains information current at the time of publication.
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【reference image】
※Text and images:Ayumi Nakaganji

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