TOP > Food&Drink> I've been liking this flavor for a long time! A delicious "yakisoba" recipe that you wouldn't believe was made with the usual ingredients
"Yakisoba" recipe: Omu Yakisoba style

I've been liking this flavor for a long time! A delicious "yakisoba" recipe that you wouldn't believe was made with the usual ingredients

Hello. I am Ayumi Nakaganji, a chef.

Cheap and delicious yakisoba noodles. Unlike pasta or udon, you don't have to prepare hot water and boil them, so they save time.

This time, we will introduce a recipe for fried noodles that is perfect for a solo lunch. It is a simple variation that uses the powder that comes with the dish.

I may never go back to regular yakisoba!

1: Full of stamina! Irresistible fluffy and soft egg "Fried noodles topped with chives and eggs"

Yakisoba is delicious, but don't you get tired of eating it halfway through? This time, we've made it into an "omu yakisoba style" that you can add ingredients on top and combine with the noodles to your liking. By not stir-frying the ingredients together, you can enjoy it until the very end without getting tired of it.

The chive-filled "Niratama" and the sourness of the kimchi go perfectly with the sauce. It's so delicious you'll think, "Ah, it's almost gone..."!

Omelet Fried Noodles

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (1 serving)
Fried noodles (steamed)...1 bag
Minced pork・・・60g
Chinese chives...1/2 bunch
White spring onion・・・5cm
Included powdered sauce: 1 bag
Mayonnaise...1 tablespoon
Kimchi...appropriate amount
Dried bonito flakes...appropriate amount
Salt and pepper...a little
Oil...1/2 tablespoon
1 teaspoon lard (if you don't have lard you can use oil instead)
Sesame oil...1 tablespoon
Water...2 tablespoons

<How to make>

(1) Cut the stalks of the Chinese chives into small pieces and the other parts into 3cm pieces. Thinly slice the white onions diagonally. Cut the pork into bite-sized pieces. Dissolve the powdered sauce in water. Beat the eggs in a bowl and mix with the mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

(2) Make holes in the bag of yakisoba noodles and microwave at 600W for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

(3) Add oil to a frying pan and heat it. Cook both sides over medium heat until crispy without touching it too much. Place the noodles on the edge of the pan and fry the pork with salt and pepper in the free space. When the pork is cooked to a certain extent, pour the sauce dissolved in water over it and stir fry. Once the water has evaporated, serve in a bowl.

(4) Wash the frying pan clean, add lard and stir fry the chives and white onions. When the chives are coated with oil and become shiny, add them to the bowl containing the egg mixture. When the sesame oil is heated in the frying pan, add the egg mixture with the chives and white onions all at once and mix vigorously from the outside. When it is thickened to your liking, turn off the heat and place it on top of the noodles.

(5) Place kimchi and bonito flakes on top.

2: "Crispy Fried Noodles with Sauce and Thick Sauce" made with the usual ingredients for yakisoba

Steamed yakisoba noodles with seasonings are convenient and delicious as they help you use up leftovers in the fridge, but it can be a bit annoying if they end up tasting the same every time.

This time, we're making a crispy sauce-based yakisoba from a store-bought sauce. The thick sauce is perfectly mixed with the crispy fried noodles. It's hard to believe that it's made with the same ingredients as regular yakisoba.

It's super easy and super delicious, so please give it a try.

Crispy Fried Noodles

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (1 serving)
Fried noodles (steamed)...1 bag
Minced pork・・・60g
Bean sprouts...1/2 bag
Chinese chives...1/3 bunch
A Powdered sauce included...1 bag
A Doubanjiang (optional)・・・1/2 teaspoon
A Soy sauce・・・1/2 teaspoon
A Water・・・150ml
A Potato starch・・・1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper...a little
1 teaspoon lard (if you don't have lard you can use oil instead)
Oil...appropriate amount

<How to make>

(1) If you have time, remove the roots from the bean sprouts and place them in cold water to make them crisp. Drain thoroughly. Cut the Chinese chives into 3cm pieces. Mix the ingredients in A together. Cut the pork into bite-sized pieces.

(2) Make holes in the bag of yakisoba noodles and microwave at 600W for 1 minute and 30 seconds.

(3) Loosen the noodles and spread them out in a frying pan so they don't stick together, pour in enough oil to cover them, and heat them. Deep fry over low-medium heat until crispy all over. Once fried, transfer the noodles to a tray to drain the oil, and cut them into 4 equal parts with a knife.

(4) Clean the frying pan, add lard and fry the pork. When it is half cooked, add the bean sprouts and Chinese chives, season with salt and pepper, and stir fry until the oil is evenly distributed.

(5) Mix A thoroughly again from the bottom and add it to (4). Mix the whole and heat for about 1 minute after boiling to thicken, then pour it over the noodles.

I buy yakisoba noodles when they are cheap (on sale) and store them in the freezer. They are convenient to use on days when you have nothing else to do or when you suddenly think of something. (Text by Ayumi Nakaganji)
*This article contains information current at the time of publication.
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【reference image】
※Text and images:Ayumi Nakaganji

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