TOP > Food&Drink> Crunchy and addictive! Super easy fish recipes that kids will love & versatile marinades with infinite uses
Shishamo Marinated

So crispy you can't stop eating! Super easy fish recipes that kids will love & a versatile marinade with endless uses

Hello. I am Ayumi Nakaganji, a chef.

This may be a sudden question, but do you eat fish? Many people know that eating fish is good for them, but find it troublesome to prepare and difficult to cook, so they end up eating meat instead.

This time, we will introduce some fish recipes that are easy to process and cook! Once you learn them, you can easily make adjustments.

1. "Kibinago Curry Flavored Tempura" - Easy to make with no prep work required

"Kibinago" is an essential fish in Kagoshima's local cuisine. It is also a fish that can be found relatively all year round and is easy to obtain.

If you deep fry them, you can eat them as they are without any prep work. They are crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, so you won't be able to stop eating them. They have a curry flavor that kids love, but they also make a great snack!

Silver-striped herring curry tempura

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2)
Silver-striped round herring・・・30 fish (about 150g)
A Tempura flour・・・40g
A Curry powder・・・1/2 teaspoon
A Salt and pepper...a little
Frying oil...appropriate amount
2 lemons (sliced into wedges)

<How to make>

(1) Gently wash the silverleaf in 50 degree water. Dry thoroughly with paper towels.

(2) Put water in a bowl, add A, mix, and add the silverleaf.

(3) Pour about 2cm of oil into a pot and heat it to 170 degrees. Add the silver-striped round herring that has been generously dipped in batter and fry for about 1 minute.

(4) Serve with lemon and sprinkle salt and pepper (not included in the recipe) on top.

When making tempura batter with wheat flour, eggs are sometimes used, but sometimes the egg liquid is left behind. If you only need a small amount, you don't have to worry about that if you use tempura flour. When you're making a bento and you think there might be gaps in the food, just make a little batter with tempura flour and deep fry the vegetables or chikuwa (fish cakes) for a quick and foolproof method. It's super convenient.

I recommend storing tempura flour in the refrigerator or freezer. Like wheat flour, it should not be stored at room temperature. I store it in the freezer.

2: Easy to make, just by soaking! "New onion curry marinade" can be used in many different ways

It's the season for sweet, juicy new onions. It's super convenient to make a curry marinade with them - just cut, mix and soak.

It's recommended to make a large batch, as you can enjoy the change in flavor over time.

Curry Marinated Onions

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2)
New onions...1-2 (200g)
A Curry powder・・・1 teaspoon
A Rice vinegar (or grain vinegar)...5 tablespoons
A Sugar... 2 tablespoons
A. Salt... 1 teaspoon
A Black pepper... appropriate amount

<How to make>

(1) Thinly slice the onion, place in a tray, and let it mix with A (from 30 minutes).

It's super easy! You don't need to soak the new onions in water. Just add as much sugar as you like. Store in the refrigerator and eat within 4 days.

Recipe that uses this ingredient: "Shishamo and new onion curry marinade"

Shishamo can be eaten from head to tail, making it easy for children to eat, and is also rich in calcium. (※1)

Marinate it in the "New Onion Curry Marinade" introduced earlier to make it taste like Nanbanzuke. It's delicious fresh, or chilled in the refrigerator to let it soak in the seasoning.

Shishamo Marinated

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2)
Curry-marinated new onions...amount in the recipe above
Shishamo (smelt)...8 to 10 pieces (about 150g)
Flour...appropriate amount
Frying oil...appropriate amount

<How to make>

(1) Gently wash the shishamo fish in 50 degree water. Dry thoroughly with paper towels.

(2) Sprinkle flour on the shishamo fish and deep fry it thoroughly in a small amount of oil.

(3) Add the fried shishamo fish to the curry marinade with spring onions, place the onions on top, and let it sit for a while (from 30 minutes).

This time I used Shishamo fish, but you can also marinate fried mackerel or small horse mackerel, or put it on top of grilled salted mackerel. It also goes well with meat and boiled seafood, so you can enjoy it in a variety of ways.

March 7th is Fish Day. Please use this as a reference and try making it. (Text by Ayumi Nakaganji)
*This article contains information current at the time of publication.
* Any secondary use of the content of this site (images, text, etc.) such as duplication, reproduction, diversion, modification, etc. without permission is strictly prohibited. If found to be in violation, legal action may be taken.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Ayumi Nakaganji
(※1)Food Composition Database (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology)

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