TOP > Food&Drink> I wish I had known about these delicious tacos sooner! Mexican restaurants worth going out of your way to visit
Mexican Cuisine Azteca

I wish I had known about these delicious tacos sooner! Mexican restaurants worth visiting

Hello. I am Yorimichi, the owner of the blog "Yorimichi's Fukuoka Introduction," which introduces delicious restaurants in Fukuoka.

I'm sure there are many people who don't eat Mexican food often, but I found a restaurant in Yame that is worth making the effort to visit.

Food and miscellaneous goods! "Mexican Cuisine Azteca" (Yame City) - A restaurant run by an owner who loves Mexico

"Mexican Restaurant Azteca" is located an 8-minute walk from Yame City Hall and a 5-minute walk from the retro shopping street, Dobashi Market.

This authentic Mexican restaurant is run by an owner who is completely enchanted by the charms of Mexico. It is open only in the evenings from 6pm.

Mexican Restaurant Azteca - Exterior

Image: Detour

The interior of the store is very colorful and has a Mexican atmosphere.

Inside Azteca

Image: Detour

Cute Mexican goods are also sold on the second floor.

Mexican Restaurant Azteca - Interior

Image: Detour

A wide variety of tacos! Enjoy a variety of Mexican dishes!

The menu includes a wide variety of tacos, as well as snacks such as guacamole and chili con carne, ajillo, salads, etc. There are also many drinks available, including Mexican beer and tequila.

The recommended menu items are written on a blackboard inside the store.

Mexican restaurant Azteca menu

Image: Detour

We started with the appetizer "Salsa Chips" (330 yen).

Mexican food Aztec salsa chips

Image: Detour

Chips topped with a slightly spicy salsa sauce.

Wow, this is definitely something that goes well with beer.

The spicy kick and lingering aftertaste is addictive, and you'll find yourself reaching for the next one.

Mexican food Aztec salsa chips

Image: Detour

The next dish I chose was "Chicken Liver Pate" (780 yen).

I think some people might be put off by liver pate because they think it might have a bad smell.

Mexican Aztec Chicken Liver Pate

Image: Detour

This also has no smell at all, so you can eat it forever.

Mexican Aztec Chicken Liver Pate

Image: Detour

To be honest, I've been a chef for 15 years, but to be honest, this is the first time I've eaten a pate that is so mild and brings out the flavor of the ingredients.

Now, next up is the classic Mexican dish, tacos. I ordered the popular "Pastor" (820 yen).

Homemade corn tortillas are topped with jerk pork marinated in original spices, coriander, onion, and pineapple.

Mexican food Aztec tacos

Image: Detour

I hope this becomes more popular. It's good.

I'm sure that in the original country it's like a junk food that can be easily enjoyed, but I can certainly see why people are addicted to it with the quantity and ease of eating it.

The "Avocado and Shrimp Salad" (820 yen) is absolutely satisfying!

Mexican Aztec Salad

Image: Detour

The balance of avocado and salsa chips is irresistible. I would especially recommend this to people who don't usually eat salads.

I couldn't forget about it here, so I ordered another taco. I ordered "Beef Hanging and Cheese" (820 yen).

Mexican food Aztec tacos

Image: Detour

Eh, that's all the ingredients? I thought, but...

Mexican food Aztec tacos

Image: Detour

This seriously exceeds the limits of satisfaction. The balance between the ingredients and the dough is perfect! Personally, it's so delicious that I feel like eating ten of them.

Next, I tried the winter-only recommended "Oyster and Mushroom Ajillo" (1,250 yen) with a "Baguette Served" (10 pieces for 330 yen).

Mexican Cuisine Azteca Ajillo

Image: Detour

I love ajillo, and this is seriously delicious.

Look at these oyster brothers. Can you tell I'm having so much fun? Mexican food is great.

Mexican Cuisine Azteca Ajillo

Image: Detour

This is "Grilled vegetables + mashed potatoes" (1,250 yen). Yes, the cheese-like thing on the left is mashed potatoes.

Mexican cuisine Azteca: Grilled vegetables + mashed potatoes

Image: Detour

Dip grilled vegetables into mashed potatoes for a mild flavor. The delicate seasoning brings out the full flavor of the ingredients.

Mexican cuisine Azteca: Grilled vegetables + mashed potatoes

Image: Detour

However, as a snack, it would be nice if it was a little spicy.

At times like that, I was recommended the "Jalapeño" (180 yen).

Mexican Cuisine Azteca

Image: Detour

Let's try eating it together.

Mexican cuisine Azteca: Grilled vegetables + mashed potatoes

Image: Detour

Ah! This is it! This is the Mexican taste I imagined!

It's sour and spicy, and addictive! Be careful not to eat too much!

I was starting to get full, so I finished off with the "Seafood Mexican Rice" (1,550 yen).

Mexican Cuisine Azteca Mexican Rice

Image: Detour

I was surprised at the lavish amount of ingredients, including octopus, squid, smoked salmon, scallops, shrimp, clams, and more, to the point that I wondered if there was too much.

Mexican Cuisine Azteca Mexican Rice

Image: Detour

It's so delicious that you can eat it all even when you're full. If you've never tried Mexican rice, you should definitely give it a try.

By the way, when I ordered a drink... this happened. Aren't they pushing it to the brink of overflowing?

Mexican food Azteca Drinks

Image: Detour

I thought it was just a coincidence, but I ordered it three times and got it every time, so maybe this is the Aztec style.

So, thank you for the meal.

I wish I had known sooner that there was such a wonderful restaurant in Yame. Please try the authentic Mexican cuisine. (Text by Yorimitsu)

<Click on the store name for more details about the store ↓>
■Mexican Cuisine Azteca
Address: 2-11-5 Honmachi, Yame City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Business hours: 18:00-24:00
Closed: Tuesdays
*This article is current as of the time of publication. *Prices in the text include tax.
* Any secondary use of the content of this site (images, text, etc.) such as duplication, reproduction, conversion, modification, etc. without permission is strictly prohibited. If found to be in violation, legal action may be taken.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Detour

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