TOP > Food&Drink> A quick and easy breakfast! A delicious recipe for "Sudachi rice" directly from a chef [including how to store and squeeze it]
Sudachi rice

A quick and easy breakfast! A delicious recipe for "Sudachi rice" directly from a chef [including how to store and squeeze it]

Hello. I am Ayumi Nakaganji, a chef.

The other day, I bought some pesticide-free "Sudachi" from a friend who is a citrus farmer in Amakusa. Recently, kabosu and other fruits have also started to appear here and there, making this a great season for citrus lovers.

Sudachi recipe

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

Sudachi enhances the flavor of grilled fish, sashimi, and boiled tofu when squeezed over them. It is smaller than yuzu and kabosu, and has a refined fragrance. It is one of the more luxurious citrus ingredients. When you hear that it is pesticide-free, you will want to grate the top surface of the peel and use it as much as you can.

However, sometimes we end up buying too many citrus fruits and not having many ways to use them... So, this time we will introduce some ideas and recipes for using sudachi.

1. "Crabstick and Vermicelli Salad" with Sudachi Citrus for extra flavor

A refreshing and smooth vermicelli salad perfect for the lingering heat of summer. The addition of seasonal citrus (sudachi in this case) enhances the flavor.

Vermicelli with Sudachi Citrus

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2)
Crab sticks・・・60g
2 dried wood ear mushrooms
Sudachi...1 piece
A Vinegar・・・1.5 tbsp
A. Sesame oil...1 teaspoon
A Sugar・・・1/2 tablespoon
A Salt... 2 pinches
Soy sauce...a little
White sesame seeds... 1 teaspoon

<How to make>

(1) Soak the wood ear mushrooms in lukewarm water to rehydrate them. Shred the cucumber. Tear the crab sticks into small pieces. Put A in a bowl and mix together.

(2) Boil water in a pot (not included in the recipe), boil the wood ear mushrooms for about 30 seconds, then remove them from the pot, let them cool, and cut them into thin strips. In the same water, boil the vermicelli according to the package instructions.

(3) Drain the glass noodles in a colander, rinse with water, and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Drain off the excess water, and mix with the cucumber, wood ear mushroom, crab sticks, and white sesame seeds (A).

(4) Add soy sauce to taste and squeeze some sudachi juice on top before serving.

We recommend squeezing the sudachi on top just before serving, which adds a refreshing tartness and a clean aroma.

Like this time, you can use it as a substitute for vinegar, such as replacing some of the vinegar in vinegared dishes with citrus fruits, or as a dressing. If you think of it as a substitute for vinegar, the number of uses will increase.

2. "Sudachi Rice" - Eat it easily even if you don't have an appetite

There are udon and soba noodles topped with sudachi, so there's no way it wouldn't go well with rice!

It's quick to make, high in protein, and recommended for breakfast.

Sudachi rice

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (1 serving)
White rice・・・1 serving
Sudachi...1 to 2 pieces
Dried bonito flakes...appropriate amount
Dried whitebait...appropriate amount
White sesame seeds... appropriate amount
Soy sauce...a little (to taste)

<How to make>

(1) Place bonito flakes, dried baby sardines, and white sesame seeds on warm white rice and squeeze some sudachi juice over it.

Oh no, that's all! But it's so delicious. In addition to whitebait, you can also add shredded dried horse mackerel or Japanese ginger.

If you can't use it all, you can freeze it.

If you have any leftover sudachi, you can cut it into pieces of your desired size and freeze it.

You can squeeze out just the juice and freeze it, but I freeze it with the skin on. It's great for adding to highballs or shochu, or as a garnish with grilled fish, or any other time you want a little citrus flavor.

It can be thawed at room temperature in about 5 minutes, so just take out the amount you want to use and squeeze it as is.

The key to squeezing is to hold it face up as shown in the picture, rather than face down. Not only will this keep the seeds from falling out, but the juice will run down the skin, enhancing the aroma. This is true for other citrus fruits too!


Image: Ayumi Chuganji

How was it?

Citrus scents are also used in aromatherapy. They are said to be perfect for when you are feeling mentally and physically tired or when you want to get a good night's sleep.

Enjoy a delicious and relaxing time by incorporating fresh, fragrant sudachi into your meals. (Text by Ayumi Nakaganji)
*This article contains information current at the time of publication.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Ayumi Nakaganji

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