TOP > Food&Drink> Improve your skills! "Delicious & Easy Chicken Soup" 3 recipes using chicken breast without waste
Chicken Udon

Improve your cooking skills! "Delicious & Easy Chicken Soup" 3 recipes using chicken breast without waste

Hello. I am Ayumi Nakaganji, a chef.

Chicken fillet is low in calories and is often used for dieting. I thought it was too dry and bland, so I didn't use it much in my cooking until recently, but I've recently started to discover how delicious it is.

This time, we will introduce you to a simple chicken soup and recipes that use chicken fillets. It is a bit of a hassle to make soup stock from chicken bones...

1. Chicken fillet soup: an easy way to make chicken stock

Chicken fillet soup is a convenient thing to have in your fridge. It makes a refreshing soup.

Chicken fillet soup

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2-3)
Chicken fillet・・・5-6 pieces (approximately 300g)
Salt...2 teaspoons
Sugar...1 teaspoon
Sake・・・1 tablespoon

<How to make>

(1) Make a vertical cut in the center of the chicken fillet, sprinkle salt, sugar, and sake all over, and let sit for about 10 minutes.

(2) Put chicken breast and water in a pot and place over medium heat.

(3) Once the water starts to boil, reduce the heat to low so it doesn't boil, and simmer for about 15 minutes.

(4) Allow to cool. Transfer the chicken fillets and soup to a storage container and store in the refrigerator.

If any scum appears during the process, skim it off. The seasoning is a little light, so you can add soy sauce or fish sauce depending on your purpose.

Both the boiled chicken breast and the soup should be consumed within about 4 days. Adding shredded chicken breast and vegetables to the soup will make it more filling! It also goes well with chicken rice.

2: Chicken Chilled Udon with Chicken Fillet Soup

The mild flavor of chicken fillet soup is topped with fish sauce, and the subtle acidity of lemon adds to the flavor, making this noodle dish perfect for the hot summer days.

Chicken Udon

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (1 serving)
Thin udon noodles (frozen is acceptable)...1 serving
Chicken fillet soup・・・250ml
Boiled chicken breast・・・1 piece
1/2 Japanese ginger
Lemon (sliced)...1 piece
Fish sauce・・・1/2 tablespoon
Black pepper...a little
Olive oil... a moderate amount

<How to make>

(1) Add fish sauce to the chicken breast soup and chill it thoroughly.

(2) Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Shred the cucumber and Japanese ginger.

(3) Boil the udon noodles according to the package instructions. Remove the slime thoroughly with water and rinse in ice water.

(4) Place the udon in a bowl, top with chicken fillet, cucumber, Japanese ginger, and lemon, then pour over (1). Sprinkle with black pepper and drizzle with olive oil.

This time, I chose Goto hand-pulled udon. It is made from wheat, camellia oil extracted from the fruit of the Goto camellia tree, and domestic salt. The thin but chewy noodles have a smooth texture and go down well with the soup. In addition to thin udon, Handa somen, hiyamugi, and somen are also fine.

3: Chicken fillet and cucumber salad with the aroma of pepper

The addition of Sichuan pepper gives it a refreshing citrus flavor. It's a light Chinese-flavored dish perfect for the summer.

Cucumber with pepper

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Serves 2-3)
Boiled chicken breast・・・2 pieces
Cucumber...2 pieces
1 piece of Japanese ginger
Salt...appropriate amount
A Vinegar・・・1.5 tbsp
A Soy sauce・・・1 tablespoon
A Sugar・・・1/2 tablespoon
A Sesame oil・・・1/2 tablespoon
A. Sichuan pepper (powder)...a little

<How to make>

(1) Tear the chicken fillet into bite-sized pieces with your hands. Cut off the stems on both ends of the cucumber, smash it with a rolling pin, and sprinkle with salt. Scrape out and remove as many seeds as possible with a spoon. Cut the Japanese ginger into round slices and soak in water.

(2) Mix A well in a bowl, add the chicken fillets, cucumbers that have been wiped dry, and myoga ginger that has been drained, and mix well.

By removing the seeds from the cucumbers, sprinkling salt on them and removing excess water, the cucumbers will be less watery.

What did you think? It is also recommended to use it to cool the soup and dilute the somen noodle soup. Please give it a try. (Text by Ayumi Nakaganji)
*This article contains information current at the time of publication.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Ayumi Nakaganji

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