TOP > Places to visit> Freshly picked vegetables taste the best! Perfect for a family outing ◎ Harvesting seasonal vegetables in a spectacular setting (Kashiwara, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City)

Freshly picked vegetables taste the best! Perfect for a family outing! Seasonal vegetable harvesting experience in a spectacular setting (Kashiwara, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City)

Hello. I'm Yuri and I love going out with my kids.

This time, we will introduce a harvesting experience facility that parents and children can enjoy together, located inside ABURAYAMA FUKUOKA in Kashiwara, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City.

Shiiji Farm (Kashiwara, Minami Ward, Fukuoka City) - Enjoy a harvesting experience surrounded by nature

ABURAYAMA FUKUOKA is an outdoor facility that was reborn on April 27, 2023, when Aburayama Citizens' Forest and Aburayama Ranch were combined.

It is about a 40 minute drive from downtown Fukuoka, 15 minutes from the Tsutsumi ramp on the Fukuoka Urban Expressway, and 20 minutes from the Nodame ramp (paid parking available).

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Shiiji Farm is located within the grounds of ABURAYAMA FUKUOKA, a resort that offers a variety of fascinating experiences that allow you to come into contact with nature.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

"Shiiji" is pronounced "shii-ji" and is a word that represents the four different times of the day: morning, noon, evening, and night, as well as the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

At Yoji Farm, you can enjoy the seasonal vegetable harvesting experience all year round (2,090 yen per person / 30 minutes / only on weekends and holidays).

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

There is also an experience course where you can cook freshly picked vegetables on the spot and make pizza to eat!

This time, I tried out the "Handmade Pizza Course using Harvested Vegetables" (2,970 yen per person / 60 minutes / only on weekends and holidays) with my 6-year-old daughter.

If a child under 9 years old participates, please make sure to have at least one accompanying person (10 years old or older) join. *Recommended age is 3 years old or older. Children under 2 years old can enter (free of charge) if accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Even beginners can feel at ease ♡ Experience harvesting seasonal vegetables!

In the vast field of over 3,000 square meters, about 4 to 5 kinds of vegetables are always grown organically. No chemical pesticides or fertilizers are used, and organic fertilizers such as cow manure and chicken manure are used. Vegetables are grown with care, using the power of nature.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

You can see, touch, and experience how vegetables are grown in the fields and how they grow. You can learn in a fun way while being taught by staff who are knowledgeable about vegetables.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

All the tools necessary for harvesting are provided, so you can come empty-handed and enjoy the experience.

The staff will provide detailed explanations about harvesting methods, vegetable knowledge, and delicious ways to eat the vegetables.

This is green onion.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

It can be roasted whole and is also said to go great on pizza, so I tried it later while making pizza; it was packed with sweetness and was absolutely delicious!

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Since green onions are a winter harvest vegetable, they can be harvested throughout the year.

This is spicy red mizuna and mizuna.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Amazing! A huge harvest of leafy vegetables too♡

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

This is white eggplant.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Apparently white eggplants are the sweetest out of all eggplants!

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

There were zebra print eggplants and regular eggplants too.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

This is a green pepper.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

I tried some freshly picked ones on the spot, and they were surprisingly sweet and delicious ♡

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

This is sweet potato, one of the most representative autumn flavors!

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

It was hard work digging deep into the soil, but we were so excited when several of them came out connected together!

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

If you can dig up a big sweet potato, you'll be lucky!

The varieties are "Beni Haruka" and "Purple Sweet Road (purple sweet potato)". It seems that Beni Haruka has a higher sugar content and is sweeter.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

This is basil.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

The fresh scent is irresistible ♡

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

All you have to do is cut it with scissors, so even a child can do it easily.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Of course, you can take home the vegetables you harvest.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Using freshly picked vegetables, I tried making pizza with my kids for the first time!

After the harvesting experience, you can start making pizza using freshly picked vegetables.

Again, all the necessary equipment is provided, so you can experience it empty-handed, which is a nice plus.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

First, wash the vegetables you harvested.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Slice it thinly to help it cook evenly.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

My daughter wanted to do everything by herself. The eggplant was too hard to cut, so we asked an adult to help her at first, but after that she cut everything by herself.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Spread the sauce on the pizza dough and top with chopped vegetables.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

I was told that it is recommended to put the leafy vegetables either before or after the meal, but I wanted to enjoy the change in flavor by cooking them, so I put them before the meal.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Sprinkle generously of the provided cheese over the whole thing.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

I put it on a tray and took it to the pizza oven. I was a little worried that it might fall or drop, but I watched over it gently (laughs).

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

The staff will bake it for you. Once it is placed in a thermally efficient dome-shaped stone oven,

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

It was finished in no time!

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

My daughter had been looking forward to the experience since the day before, declaring, "I'm going to make it with love!" She seemed very satisfied when her family ate it and said it was delicious.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Vegetables you pick yourself are definitely tastier!

Eating pizza under the blue sky while looking out over the city of Fukuoka is something special!

The autumn leaves are also beautiful, so I really recommend visiting at this time of year.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

There was also a chance to win a pack of juice by following us on social media or posting using the hashtag.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

You can enjoy it even after you get home!

I was so hooked on the deliciousness of the freshly picked vegetables that I even made pizza at home using the vegetables I brought home that day (laughs).

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

Mizuna and green onions in hot pot ♪ Both were delicious.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

It's hard to believe you're in the city, surrounded by nature, and that you can actually experience harvesting here...♡

Truly the best food!

I was able to see my daughter having fun and it was a very meaningful time.

Shiji Farm

Image: Yurichan

It's the perfect way to create lasting memories with your children. You can make a reservation in advance on the website, or if there is availability, you can join on the day. Please give it a try! (Text by Yuri-chan)

<Click on the facility name for more information about the facility ↓>
■ Shiji Farm
Address: 710-2 Kashiwara, Minami-ku, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture (inside ABURAYAMA FUKUOKA)
Opening hours (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays only): Harvesting experience course (10:00~/14:00~/14:30~), Handmade pizza course using harvested vegetables (10:30~/11:15~/12:00~/12:45~/13:30~)
Closed: Monday to Friday
*This article is current as of the time of publication. *Prices in the text include tax.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Yuri-chan

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