TOP > Food&Drink> Easy to make and exceptionally delicious! Homemade "noodle soup" and recipes that will come in handy for the rest of your life once you learn them
Ayumi Nakaganji Noodle Soup Recipe

Simple yet delicious! Homemade "noodle soup" and recipes that will come in handy for the rest of your life once you learn them

Hello. I am Ayumi Nakaganji, a chef.

With the sudden rise in temperature and steaminess, it's now the time of year when we crave cold noodles.

Commercially available noodle soup is delicious and convenient, but why not try making your own once in a while?

We will introduce you to some easy soup recipes that are packed with a variety of delicious flavors.

"Grandma's soup recipe" is delicious when made at home

When I was a child, I loved the smell of noodle soup cooking in the kitchen. The smell of dashi and soy sauce really whets the appetite.

This time, I would like to introduce the taste of my family home that has been passed down from my grandmother to my mother. When I asked my mother about it, she said that she made it roughly based on her feelings, so I decided to make a recipe.

The secret to enhancing the flavor is adding dried shrimp. This is a straight type of noodle soup.


Image: Ayumi Chuganji

[Ingredients] (Easy to make amount: Approx. 800ml, serves about 4 people)
Water: 600ml
Dried bonito flakes・・・10g
A Kombu...5×10cm
A Dried Shiitake mushrooms...2 medium
A Dried shrimp... 1 teaspoon
B Soy sauce・・・100ml
B Mirin・・・100ml
B Sugar...appropriate amount

<How to make>

(1) Put water and A in a pot and leave until the dried shiitake mushrooms are fully rehydrated (put in the refrigerator if the temperature is high).

(2) Bring (1) to a boil and add the bonito flakes. If any scum appears, skim it off and simmer for about 7 minutes over low heat.

(3) Add B and boil for about 2 minutes to evaporate the alcohol. Remove from heat and allow to cool.

(4) Strain through a colander lined with kitchen paper (we also recommend using a coffee maker and filter). Store in the refrigerator.

Store in the refrigerator and use within 6 days.

For somen noodles, try it straight, but for soba or udon noodles, if you want a stronger flavor, add soy sauce to adjust. The sweetness will vary depending on the mirin, so add sugar to taste.

We recommend this type of dried shrimp, which is sold in the Chinese food section of supermarkets.

Dried shrimp

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

Dried shiitake mushrooms can also be used as an ingredient, so slice them thinly and use them. You can also chop up kelp and put it on top of rice along with other dashi stock.

Enjoy "Kawara Soba" with homemade soup

For some reason, sometimes I get an intense craving for "Kawara Soba."

I was surprised to come up with the idea of grilling on a tile, but it looks like a lava plate and is surprisingly good. I heard that it started when soldiers in the army led by Saigo Takamori during the Seinan War grilled vegetables and meat on tiles, and although it may have been a tense time during the war, I thought it sounded like a fun idea.

This time I used an iron frying pan instead of a tile (lol). You can also make it delicious with a regular frying pan or hot plate.

Kawara soba

Image: Ayumi Chuganji

Rough ingredients for [Kawara Soba]
Green tea soba noodles...1 bundle
Noodle soup...appropriate amount
Beef stir-fried with sugar and soy sauce... appropriate amount
Grated daikon radish... appropriate amount
Sweet shredded egg...1 egg
Lemon slice...1 piece
Spring onion... appropriate amount
Dried shiitake mushrooms used to make the soup stock... appropriate amount

I boiled the green onions until they were slightly firm, then drained them thoroughly. I then heated a 20cm STAUB grill pan and grilled them in plenty of oil.

Many restaurants serve it with a sweeter broth, but I add soy sauce to the noodle broth to make it spicier so I don't get tired of it. On the other hand, I season the ingredients sweeter.

Warm up the soup and enjoy it while squeezing lemon into it to change the flavor. I had planned to sprinkle some shredded nori on it, and had it ready on the table, but I forgot (lol). Feel free to add it to your liking.

"Noodle soup" is surprisingly easy to make. In the coming season, it is recommended to deep fry summer vegetables and dip them in the soup. Please give it a try. (Text by Chuganji Ayumi)
*This article contains information current at the time of publication.

【reference image】
※Text and images:Ayumi Nakaganji

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